Sunday, September 9, 2012

Martin Luther A Man Before His Time!

When introduced to such a pivotal figure in not only German history but also the history of the world I was enticed to say the least.  I didn’t understand why I had not known much about such a powerful figure until briefly watching a YouTube video about him.  Martin Luther was to the anti church movement as Martin Luther King was to the civil rights movement.  I believe that in a world with so many individuals we as people forget that the power of one man or woman can influence the world in great ways for good and evil.  The power of good stretches from the powerful words of Martin Luther King to the outrageous minds and beliefs of Hitler.  Martin Luther in my eyes was a classic example for the rest of the world of how ones mind, and words can change the course of history.  What if Martin Luther never gained support from his countrymen?  What if Martin Luther never decided to think out loud with his beliefs?  These are the questions that intellectual individuals struggle with today.  However the way in which Martin Luther paved the path for one to have such an impact arguably hadn’t been seen since the coming of Jesus.  It was interesting to me how Martin Luther utilized the printing press to spread his thoughts and speak freely evading prosecution along the way.  His way of spreading his word is to me much like a viral video that airs on YouTube and catches the hearts and minds of individuals across all continents.  Through all of this I believe that Martin Luther set the table for decisions later on after his death.  These decisions that I talk of our how the world’s governments and people were to live their lives.  It is no wonder that as we live today some citizens do not believe in religion as a whole.  It is quite ironic that if Martin Luther didn’t agree with the Pope back then he was deemed a minion of Satin, but today it is perfectly acceptable to not agree with religion as a whole. Martin Luther showcased to the planet what it was to be brave, even when warned by what was the most powerful man in the world Luther pressed on.  This just goes to show that the man was determined and utilized his knowledge to persuade for the good.  These are the types of political, cultural, and religious figures that interest me in early German history, and it is so exciting to know that I will be traveling to where this all began and educating myself on how the world has gotten to where it now stands today! 447

 (Pope Leo Martin Luther's aggressor) 

 (One of Martin Luther's influential quotes)

 (Martin Luther's words in one of his most famed works! )

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