Friday, September 7, 2012

Second Blog Entry Germany!

In reading Hagen Schulze’s novel I found many parallels between America and Germany.  From the beginning of what has now become known as Germany the foundation of an empire was not seen.  What I found interesting is that Germany started off as land that was ruled under the church and Roman Empire.  However as time passed between the 15th and 17th centuries the Germanic Lands” as many referred them as transformed into something more organized and powerful.  Enjoying history as much as I do, I loved looking at how the Germanic people capitalized on the waning presence the Roman Empire had on them.  As time passed borders of the lands surrounding Germany became more evident, which almost in a sense foreshadowed where Germany is today as a country.  By the end of the 17th century the novel states that the provinces were to be governed by the princes and the princes were loyal only to Germany as a whole.  This is where I can see the similarities to a more independent and free nation, much like the United States.  The United States was once a country that possessed many main parties that had a legitimate shot as holding power in the government.  This can be seen in the early German days, the princes who governed their respective lands represented them as well.  In a sense this is much like a multiparty system.  I looked at it from the angle that these princes were just not tyrants who suppressed their citizens; they were party platforms in the making.  These same party platforms strived to achieve power in a very organized manner for the time period.  It was almost as if they had to break away from the church and other powerful empires to form their new futures.  This is exactly like the United States of America.  America was under rule of the British Empire for quite sometime however when Britain’s power became weak, and they overexploited their colony Americans forged their own destiny.  The thing that is also funny to me is the way in which the German people pursued every avenue in governing themselves to find the one that best fit them, and ensured their survival as German people.  The avenue that helped pave the evolution of Germany in history was that of institutions.  I believe that the more central a colony, country, or empires institutions are the more strength ones government possesses.  It is in chapter two that this becomes evident.  Once again much like America the institutions in Germany under Roman rule were very weak and lacked validity. Hence paving the path for a slow but steady evolution of German people as we see them today.  Not only am I excited to absorb modern Germany as it is today, but I am also excited to learn how Germany’s people put themselves in a position to get to where they are today!  483

 (The American institution of Congress)

 (Germany in the 17th Century)

 (The German Imperial Diet, where province princes were to be held accountable to their alliance to Germany)

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